Mode Popup Use this popup menu to select a display format. View Popup Use this popup menu to view the function palettes. Right Parenthesis Use this button to input a right parenthesis. Left Parenthesis Use this button to input a left parenthesis. Infinity Use this button to input infinity. Pi Use this button to input pi. Scientific Notation Use this button to input the exponential part of a number in scientific notation. Backspace Use this button to remove the last inputted digit. Clear Use this button to clear the number field. Negative Use this button to negate the current number. Division Use this button to perform division. Multiplication Use this button to perform multiplication. Subtraction Use this button to perform subtraction. Addition Use this button to perform addition. Equal Use this button to calculate the current operation. Decimal Point Use this button to input a decimal point. 9 Use this button to input the digit '9'. 8 Use this button to input the digit '8'. 7 Use this button to input the digit '7'. 6 Use this button to input the digit '6'. 5 Use this button to input the digit '5'. 4 Use this button to input the digit '4'. 3 Use this button to input the digit '3'. 2 Use this button to input the digit '2'. 1 Use this button to input the digit '1'. 0 Use this button to input the digit '0'.